We’re so excited to announce that BraiNY has several leadership positions opening up this Fall!

Written by Camila Demaestri

Who we are: 

BraiNY is the Greater NYC Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience. Our goal is to facilitate partnerships with local institutions and organizations to produce and co-coordinate city-wide events like Brain Awareness Week.

What we do: 

Brain Awareness Week is a yearly event held in March that we prioritize and enjoy thoroughly! In preparation for the week/month, we work closely with several of our partners and provide them with the resources and support they need. Our advocacy and outreach efforts extend beyond Brain Awareness week into the entire year. Throughout the year, we participate, organize and offer support for several opportunities such as March for Science, BioBus, Scientist on the Subway, and more!

A relatively new initiative from within our BraiNY Team is our BraiNY Bunch Virtual Journal Club. Occurring monthly on the first Sunday of each month, two young neuroscientists in high school or early college present the findings and implications of a published scientific article. Throughout the month prior, they work closely with a neuroscience mentor to prepare for their presentation and discussion. Importantly, this event brings young scientists in contact with graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty in neuroscience, with whom they can begin to discover if they, too, have a passion for science. BraiNY values these and the many other interactions we have with our community, as they bring us closer to our mission of fostering an accessible, inclusive, and welcoming environment of science.

Growing our Team:

BraiNY is in an exciting period of transition, where many of our leadership positions have recently opened up. In addition to filling some positions, we are beyond thrilled to invite more volunteers to our BraiNY Team that are as passionate about outreach and community building as we are. BraiNY meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm EST. In these meetings, we discuss new opportunities and platforms in which we can develop our mission, and have important conversations related to diversity and inclusion, accessibility, science communication, and more. If you are interested, please reach out to attend our monthly meetings.

Leadership Positions: 

Listed below are the leadership positions that are open, with short descriptions of their responsibilities. If you are interested in hearing more about any of the positions or have any questions for us, you can reach out to us by emailing comebebrainy.nyc@gmail.com and/or filling out the braiNY nomination form

Nominations open at 8:00am on Thursday, November 4, 2021 and close at 11:59pm on Wednesday, November 17, 2021.



  • Calls and presides at Council and monthly Business Meetings 

  • Responsible for executing policies and overseeing operations 

  • Acts as spokesperson for the Chapter

  • Develops and submits annual reports to the Society for Neuroscience, in collaboration with the Treasurer

Secretary / President Designate 

  • Shadows the current President

  • Develops and manages recruitment and retention of BraiNY members and open officer positions 

  • Writes and shares meeting minutes from Council and monthly Business Meetings

  • Supports the Past President in nominating members for awards


  • Maintains contacts with the Society for Neuroscience

  • Manages the funding and accounts

  • Has signatory authority

  • Delivers financial reports to the Council

  • Develops and submits the annual reports to the Society for Neuroscience, in collaboration with the President

Events Director (or co-Directors)

  • Oversees the Brain Awareness Week and Science Outreach Programs, Advocacy Initiatives, and Career Development Committees

  • Supports the Managers for each Committee

  • Assists with arrangements for visiting speakers and seminars, and gather information and outcomes as needed for ongoing communications and the annuals report

Communication Director (or co-Directors)

  • Works to promote and advertise the BraiNY events 

  • Oversees the BraiNY website, social media accounts, and member newsletters 

  • Editor of the BraiNY Blog


Social Media Manager (or co-Managers)

  • Crafts posts to social media platforms advertising BraiNY Bunch and any other upcoming events 

  • Responds to social media request 

  • Coordinate with BraiNY Members for posts during events and programs

Website Manager

  • Updates the website with upcoming events and blogs (busiest time is in the months leading up to Brain Awareness Week)

  • Works with BraiNY Bunch team to upload monthly speaker announcements and past presentations

Membership Coordinator (or co-Coordinators)

  • Maintains active and past membership databases and mailing list 

  • Conducts outreach to find new members 

  • Keeps members appraise of opportunities 

  • Solicits feedback about member interests and needs

Brain Awareness Week Coordinator (or co-Coordinators) 

  • Act as point of contact for Brain Awareness Week (BAW) event coordinators and events sites

  • Updates BAW event registration and contact partners about advertising and information for the website 

  • Works with volunteer coordinators to create advertising campaigns and recruit volunteers

  • Organize the distribution of materials to events 

  • Provides support to Communication Director and Website Manager for BAW events

  • Collects data about programs, including attendance curriculum, used and publicity received 

  • Reports to President at the end of BAW

Alice Maria Giani